SWICS meeting was held on 8-12-2018  in Manjimup (thank you MMCC) .

Items raised included  flag roster (bring one), no fee rise for 2019 yippeee, Southern Capes MCC will be holding the windup/presentations in 2019 and we will also see the introduction of a Master’s Class – Over 45s.
The over 45’s maybe gridded with Vets and/or Womens, depending on numbers on the day.(adjustment at Official’s discretion).

To be part of this series you must be a member of one of the participating clubs.
Collie- March 31st
Bunbury -April 14th
Manjimup -May 19th
Cranbrook – June 23rd
Southern Capes -August 3rd ,Saturday Windup & Presentations.
(dates subject to change)
Hope to see you there.