Last night we held our AGM. Thanks to all those who joined us. Here is a bit of an end of year update for you all.
Collie Motorcycle Club Committee for 2023;
President – Mackenzie Shepherd
Vice President – Mitchell Corry
Secretary – Amy Hayhurst
Treasurer – Steven Melvin
When re-newing your yearly membership with us in ridernet, you will see our membership fees have increased to $150.00. Also, now when arriving at the track we are removing our $10 ride fee when you sign on.
Track Closure.
We will be closing the track from the 24th of December 2022 to the 3rd of January 2023. Our hardworking caretakers and committee members deserve a nice break after the hard work they have put into the track, especially over the last few months.
We would like to thank our committee members and volunteers for all their hard work and dedication they have put into the club every year. We are a small group but it’s quality over quantity, and we are grateful for you all.
We hope our members have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and we will see you all in 2023.